Tuesday, August 28, 2007



I introduced this web site to each class today. I had everyone write the web site address in their planner. I talked through how it could be helpful to you (like if you are absent, your parents are wondering about your work, or you have forgotten something about the class). I talked about your need to remain private when your audience is the WORLD...so if you leave comments, do not use my full name when you address me and DO NOT use your full last name when you identify yourself. You can just write your first name and last initial.

Visiting the Blog and leaving a comment that identifies yourself in this manner will recieve EXTRA CREDIT this quarter.


I handed out a yellow list and a hot pink list (they are identical). One list is to go home and the other list is to remain at school in your trapper or what ever folder comes to Language Arts each day. I will not give replacement lists!


I helped everyone get started on this by doing the first half together as a class. Most classes had about 10 minutes left to continue working on the assignment. It is due tomorrow.

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