Friday, August 31, 2007



YES!!! Today you get to see what your current grade is in Language Arts. I am so proud of everyone, as you are off to such a great start to the academic year!

If you get your parent to sign the grade print out and bring it back on Tuesday, I will give you extra credit.


Do you like ordering books or sowtware from Scholastic Books? Today I passed out order forms for TAB BOOKS and CLICK SOFTWARE. If you wold like to order anything, please bring cash or a check made out to SCHOLASTIC by Wednesday.


We are trying something new today...a spelling test using the circles and squares from our spelling activity. Hopefully it will help you remember the spelling much better. It will also continue to train your eyes to see patterns. Hope you do well!


Students still are not in the habit of bringing their reading book to class, so keep practicing that. Anytime you have extra time in class (any class) you should READ!!! Most classes had almost 10 minutes to read in class today.

Thursday, August 30, 2007



You were to bring the LIFE MAP back to class today. You recieved it last week. It is BLUE and says "LIFE MAP" on it! You did not need to have it completed though. You have time in class today to get it completed. Remember, if there is a question that does not suit you....CHANGE THE QUESTION and answer it!


Here's the scoop. Today we begin what will be called WRITING LAB. Every Thursday is a writing lab day. You will eventually write at home for 30 minutes also...but that does not start yet.

Today a read aloud the first chapter of a novel we will be reading in a few week, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO DO THIS. In this first chapter we meet Darren. He has been given a journal for a birthday present from his mother. She wants him to write once a week in his journal. He "can't believe he has to do it." The funny thing about Darren is that he starts thinking about his life....just even that one day...his filled with tons of cool moments, interesting moments. But when he goes to write in his journal, he convinces himself he has "nothing interesting to write about." HMMMMM.....sound familiar????

Today every student was encouraged to be more honest about their lives and their creativity. You DO lead interesting lives! You do have interesting ideas and experiences! Now...write about them!

Most kids got about 15 minutes to write in class on anything they wanted to (except other class assignments).

We also created our WRITING FOLDER and set up our WRITING GOAL for Quarter 1. Here's the goal: PRODUCE WRITING. You have to have 6 pages of writing in your writing folder by October 11th. That's about 1 page per week.


Don't forget to study!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007



I walked around and graded this assignment for completion. I did not collect the assignment, just did a visual account. Then, we went over some of the answers, especially #4 and #7. On the last item (#7) we talked about the patterns our eyes could see in the ten spelling words. We made simple observations, like how every word begins with a vowel and most words end with a vowel.


This week we are just focusing on ways to study our spelling words. We are hoping to not just memorize them, but let them settle deep down into our brain in a more meaningful way.

Today you were given 10 flashcards (note cards). On the front side you were to break the work into its SYLLABLES with a dash inbetween each syllable. Also, when you write out the word, you should alternate the color of the syllable like this:


On the back of each card, you should do "stair step" or "pyramid" spelling:


These are for your use. They are not an assignment.


It does not have to be comepleted.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007



I introduced this web site to each class today. I had everyone write the web site address in their planner. I talked through how it could be helpful to you (like if you are absent, your parents are wondering about your work, or you have forgotten something about the class). I talked about your need to remain private when your audience is the if you leave comments, do not use my full name when you address me and DO NOT use your full last name when you identify yourself. You can just write your first name and last initial.

Visiting the Blog and leaving a comment that identifies yourself in this manner will recieve EXTRA CREDIT this quarter.


I handed out a yellow list and a hot pink list (they are identical). One list is to go home and the other list is to remain at school in your trapper or what ever folder comes to Language Arts each day. I will not give replacement lists!


I helped everyone get started on this by doing the first half together as a class. Most classes had about 10 minutes left to continue working on the assignment. It is due tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2007



Several students were not able to complete the SRI test in the library and/or have time to check out a library book. The first two objective of our class today is to accomplish the SRI Test and check out a book to read. to the library again today.


When we returned from the library, I explained howweekly spelling tests and review test will work. I DID NOT hand out the spelling list. I will hand those out tomorrow (if you came to BACK TO SCHOOL night, you got a preview list).

Basically, "take care of business" when you only have 10 words a week. Make a perfect score on your weekly spelling tests (three in a row) and you will not have to take the 30 word review test (that's cool!). More tips to come later...

Friday, August 24, 2007


@@@@SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory):

Today we went to the library and took a reading test. At the end of the test the computer calculated a "lexile" score for each individual. Student are now able to find books that fit their individual reading level based on this lexile score. Also, every student has the requirement of reading and passing an RC test on at least ONE RC book per quarter.


Some students wanted to write their lexile score inside their planners. This was optional. Every student was intructed to translate their score into the colored dot on the library wall (kind of like a chart of corresponding colors).


When students were finished with their SRI test they had time to look around the library and find a book to check out.

...Some students did not have time to finish the SRI test and check out a book. We will return to the library on Monday for a short time to allow every student the opportunity to complete the tasks.


Thursday, August 23, 2007



Good job getting those journals completed!!! Not only will you enjoy the credit you are earning, but you will also enjoy having SO much information to draw on next week when we use the journals to write our essay. This the last journal for now, so give your hand a break!


Tomorrow we will go to the library as a class for two reasons. First, you will take the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) which will help you know the level at which you read. This score will also help you determine what books you should read for taking RC tests.

You will also be able to check out a book tomorrow if time allows. I would suggest checking out a book that is an RC book on your level first so that you can take care of your required RC test per quarter right away.

I brought in about 15 book s from the library and pre-viewed them for the class. We had a good time talking about reading suggestions.


Thursdays will soon become our regular day for writing. This week we are still doing the prep work for those Thursday Writing Lab days. Today I handed out a blue paper called a LIFE MAP. The life map is filled with interesting questions meant to draw out important events and memories from your life. Once we get some of the events and memories noted on the LIFE MAP, you will use this map on Thursdays to get ideas for your writing.

PLEASE BRING THE LIFE MAP BACK NEXT THURSDAY!!!! Put it in a safe place in your binder until then! IT IS NOT can continue to work on it next Thursday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



I walked around, face-to-face, and collected the journal from students. 99% of the journals were ready to be handed in. Good job completing your work on time!


Today's journal topic is DISCUSS YOUR FRIENDSHIPS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. You are to write a full page for 20 points. Stay on topic! I gave you a BLUE handout that has several more questions to get you thinking more about this topic. This is our last journal this week. The journal is due at the beginning of the hour on Thursday. More than half of the students were able to complete the work in class!


I look over your goals from yesterday and circled the one that I thought would be most appropriate. I handed these goals back to you in class today, along with your brick. Students simply were to transfer the goal to the brick and hand it back in before the end of class.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007



I walked around to each student and collected these---face-to-face. I only had one student in my 2nd hour not have the assignment ready to hand in today. Getting work in on times is a HUGE part of maintaining one's grade in middle school.

I spoke with each class about the late work policy--one day late = 30% off...the next day it is a zero.

@@@GOALS--In Class:

I talked through the four categories of learning in Language Arts--

1) Writing--We will write every Thrusday and 30 minutes at home every week.

2) Reading--We will be reading two novels together this year and every student must be reading independently, also. We will go to the library at least every other week for book check out.

Every student must pass one RC test per quarter for Language Arts. To earn the Reading Rewards Lunch, you will have to earn 100 points per quarter.

3) Spelling--You will have weekly spelling tests over 10 words per week. There will be opportunities to test out of spelling tests and to opt for an advanced spelling list.

4) Responsibility--Getting your work in on time is one of the most important tasks in middle school. We do allow you to hand work in one day late for 30% off, then it is a zero.

From these four categories, each student picked at least TWO categories for which to write a personal goal. I will select one of the goals the student wrote and it will be placed on the "brick" we've been making this week. Those bricks will go one the wall to serve as reminders all year.


This is the second of three journals we will write this week. Today's topic is WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LEARNING/YOUR CLASSES AT EMS?? Students should write one full page and stay on topic to recieve the full 20 points. A sheet explaining the assignment along with additional questions to encourage thought on this topic was handed out to each student.